Sunday 22 February 2015

Taboos of the world.

Hello readers

Hope you guys are doing good.When you try to quit something just think why you started, that would be the thought for this evening.

We would like to discuss about this concept called taboos around the world,the reason behind choosing this topic is quite simple,we want to understand ,why were these procedures and ,rituals ,considered as ant-social.

The Voodoo dolls, black magic, witchcraft and sorcery. These may seem to be a interesting and as well as a topic ,where a thoughtful research can be done on. The above mentioned terms are considered as a Taboo, which means some act which is unacceptable by the society or a forbidden act.

In India and even in most parts of the world we find people who are making a living by performing these anti-christ activities,a popular terminology . So what is it all about?

Voodoo is a magical ritual performed by Black slaves in Haiti Island and Dominican Republic. Black's in North East Brazil have also retained their African tribal rituals amidst Christianity, this is variously called as Candomble, Makumba etc.,

This is an African ritual. They have syncretised Catholic Saint with African tribal gods.
A general belief of performing these acts are to be a superior being. It is also performed to make your wishes and dream come true.

Voodoo dolls are also used to cause harm to other person. Some Anthropologist say that this is a ritual and not anti human ,but some say this act is forbidden which scares the common men.

 It is not necessarily meant to harm other person by pining into the dolls. It could be even the other way round. So let's try and learn about this mysterious acts more rather than having a negative       look at it.

What does witchcraft and sorcery and black magic mean? All these terminologies are interlinked in some Western culture. Which is considered to be anti thesis of church. These are performed only for a bad cause. 

This is still being followed by many cultures and is still alive and practitioners are feared.
When a person becomes a witch or a wizard, he or she  will deny the concept of heaven and God. 

They only worship the evil. This is a selfish act done to obtain their means of ends.
The topic that we have chosen is actually an ocean. We have just presented the generic view of about this topic.

People may also wonder why we chose ,a topic which is not so positive ? the reason is too simple, we lead a life which is too short ,why can't we make it a better one for yourself and for others around us why,should we involve in such sadistic deeds, We should also read a lot about how these practises emerged in this world,what was the cause and effects of the same.?

We hope we were successful in bringing up this awareness ,about the taboos,thanks for your time.

Living with Hope

Tejus R.S and Harish Murthy


  1. I have experienced these things as I live in small villages, those rituals are sometimes cure for mentally retarded people.. It is like medicine for them.... In positive way.. And sometimes it can be so bad that u get addicted to it... N easily harm people around u... I just like to say that if those rituals are used for the cure it can come back as blessings... But if they are used for harm... World can come to an end...

  2. young man, i agree these are practices abounding in some socieites. the more backward the setup, the more vulnerable it is to these beliefs and practices.
    their impact is more if one is gullible, weak willed and serves as open sesame to the flotsam and jetsam that is people's thinking today.
    deep seated faith in the supreme power is the best safeguard.
