Sunday 22 February 2015

Taboos of the world.

Hello readers

Hope you guys are doing good.When you try to quit something just think why you started, that would be the thought for this evening.

We would like to discuss about this concept called taboos around the world,the reason behind choosing this topic is quite simple,we want to understand ,why were these procedures and ,rituals ,considered as ant-social.

The Voodoo dolls, black magic, witchcraft and sorcery. These may seem to be a interesting and as well as a topic ,where a thoughtful research can be done on. The above mentioned terms are considered as a Taboo, which means some act which is unacceptable by the society or a forbidden act.

In India and even in most parts of the world we find people who are making a living by performing these anti-christ activities,a popular terminology . So what is it all about?

Voodoo is a magical ritual performed by Black slaves in Haiti Island and Dominican Republic. Black's in North East Brazil have also retained their African tribal rituals amidst Christianity, this is variously called as Candomble, Makumba etc.,

This is an African ritual. They have syncretised Catholic Saint with African tribal gods.
A general belief of performing these acts are to be a superior being. It is also performed to make your wishes and dream come true.

Voodoo dolls are also used to cause harm to other person. Some Anthropologist say that this is a ritual and not anti human ,but some say this act is forbidden which scares the common men.

 It is not necessarily meant to harm other person by pining into the dolls. It could be even the other way round. So let's try and learn about this mysterious acts more rather than having a negative       look at it.

What does witchcraft and sorcery and black magic mean? All these terminologies are interlinked in some Western culture. Which is considered to be anti thesis of church. These are performed only for a bad cause. 

This is still being followed by many cultures and is still alive and practitioners are feared.
When a person becomes a witch or a wizard, he or she  will deny the concept of heaven and God. 

They only worship the evil. This is a selfish act done to obtain their means of ends.
The topic that we have chosen is actually an ocean. We have just presented the generic view of about this topic.

People may also wonder why we chose ,a topic which is not so positive ? the reason is too simple, we lead a life which is too short ,why can't we make it a better one for yourself and for others around us why,should we involve in such sadistic deeds, We should also read a lot about how these practises emerged in this world,what was the cause and effects of the same.?

We hope we were successful in bringing up this awareness ,about the taboos,thanks for your time.

Living with Hope

Tejus R.S and Harish Murthy

Saturday 14 February 2015

The Responsibility.

Hello readers 

Hope you had a great week ,and did not get stuck in traffic jams.

Today we would like to write about general civic sense in India. As it is the most discussed and argued topic, and the topic which is raising concerns all over India and also the world.

At first, what civic sense is all about?
It is nothing but social ethics. It includes how one keeps the roads, behaviour with the fellow individual, abiding laws of the land, maintaining public decorum.

As Indians what we lack is the basic civic sense. That's why we are not able to function as smoothly as some of the foreign countries.
When you walk on the roads of India,  you see a lot of spit marks, urine, etc., people grumble about all these as not maintained properly. But who dirtied it in the first place. The people are the soul responsible for there actions.

India is considered as one of the diverse country in the world. We must learn how to mix with people across various cultures.

So where is glitch? The problem lies in the root. To shape up a near perfect individual one has to be taught about it in the schools. A child in the school at first should be taught about the very basics such as, how to behave with others, not spit on the roads etc., Only preaching would not suffice. Where it counts is how it's been applied.

Also in schools there is strong need to understand the basic use of a automobile is no to loiter around the road for fun and it is for transportation,and conveyance, we know that the the generations which have after the 90's and after the millennium Are way smarter than us the point ,is this smartness is being used in the wrong direction.We would have heard about this phrase saying that don't become hero in the wrong way,actually that is what is happening.

The factor called "Parents"

This is one of the most important factor when it comes to civic manners,road sense and public behaviour,because the simple reason reason ,if we just take this one point ,say how many kids are there on the road who driving,in the age where are learning fractions in school,to be frank this is not an exaggeration ,but a experience we are seeing kids in Bengaluru, where kids as Young as 11 years are driving,high powered,mopeds,and bikes,this very unfortunate and stop.

Though Parents are literates,and take up the difficult task of making their kids,responsible citizens,they are falling prey to the pestering of their wards ,and give them ,vehicles in some case ,the parents voluntarily give vehicles like the famous economic term which holds good in this instance which is called as the "Bandwagon goods"which says people buy thing for prestige and showbiz kind of a thing.So the we can say that even though they are literates they are not educated and do not know the future repercussions on the society.

we are not targeting any parent for that matter,but we find they are also one of the factor for these issues.

Issues about cleanliness discussed above should come from within an individual ,like the patriots who fought for the independence of the nation ,ad only if there is that factor called belongingness ,that I am a  proud Indian and I want to keep my country clean .We hope we start thinking about this.

Well the wave should start ,before its not too late.

All these issues may sound small but has a greater and deeper impact in long run.

Many of think as to why it is so important. It is indeed very important because it gives the basic definition of what we are.
This very basic root cause problem should be repaired at the root itself.

Living with hope

Tejus R.S and Harish Murthy.

Sunday 8 February 2015

The Cords.

Hello readers

Hope you are having a happy Sunday, after a busy week , so today we wanted to talk about music.

I am sure almost every one of us enjoys music, music of any kind for that matter there are so many genres.

This blog is an informative one, not a awareness blogs that we have written till now. We should understand the meaning of music first; the easiest definition of music is "an art form whose medium is sound"

Before we start there is one point which is worth to be mentioned, which is the topic we have selected for today is an ocean, and you would get better information than this if you googled music!

But we want to focus the best of music, some milestones the first evidence of music were found on clay tablets, by the archaeologists in the remains of the Indus valley civilization, which they called it the 'hurrain song’, which was based on Hindu culture, the first music instrument dates back to the Vedic period .

Then came the Egyptian music, followed by the Asian, Chinese and the African cultures, who were the first to introduce of the Congo drums.

It is evident that till the metal age, the invention of metallic strings, was not used in music, when the metal age was at the peak. People also call the Neolithic period ,it is said that in this period there was lot of advancement the field of art and music ,great artists like Beethoven ,Vivaldi ,Mozart ,Saint Thayaga Raja ,Muthu Swami Dikshithar and many other great people ,have given us the music which is invaluable through the various musical instruments and their golden voice.

 Saint Thyagaraja and Muthu Swami Dhikshitar were legend's of Carnatic classical music composition. The all time favourite Vatapi Ganapatim bhaje a kirtane which was composed by Muthu Swami Dhikshitar,and the pancha rathna keethanas of Sri Thyagaraja is immortal and divine.

Coming to musical instruments, what amazes us is the physics behind their working, and how well the brain of the player  integrates and learns to play so well ,that his expertise  it will reach the level of subconscious which is great. We would just like to brief about a few instruments which are not at their peak. Jalterang which is a very unique instrument which is played on the bowls filled with water. Which dates backs to the 19th century.

Music is one art we have always enjoyed modern artists like, Bob Marley, Elton John, Enigma, Pink Floyd Michael Jackson and numerous band groups have kept us alive and moving on with life whenever we have felt low.

So let’s enjoy music and all the instruments and take this music further and become a part of the group and learn some form of music and enjoy the rhythm of life.

In the recent years we have may internationally famous artists ,we just jump with joy just by hearing their names like the one and only Michael Jackson, A.R  Rahman , John McLaughlin ,Mandolin Srinivas ,Zakir Husain I am sorry these are immediate names ,which are striking my mind now.

 I thank all the artists of the world who have helps feel better when I listen to  

Thank you for bringing that hope back to us through those songs, tunes, musicals and operas.

Thanks for your time,have a great week ahead.

The Carnatic Trinity.

Living With hope

Tejas R.S and Harish Murthy.