Saturday 14 March 2015

Poor creatures

Hi readers

Hope you guys are doing fine ,today we want to talk about the ugly turn this world taking ,to that road with no mercy.

Do we really know the meaning of what humanity is? Have we ever cared about the stray animals on the streets that wander around.

When a person has met with an accident, we all immediately rush and call an ambulance. If the same thing happens to any dog or any other animal in the street, do we really care?

Is humanity only caring about humans? If yes then what mistake have those poor creatures have made in venturing into this world. It is the creation of God isn't it?

Life is precious for each and every living being in this world and has an equal right live too.
There are numerous hospitals for our problems. But there are only handful of them for animals. An animal which has met with an accident should be rushed to a hospital. Even if we are willing to, where are the necessary resources? Are there enough veterinary hospitals for the animals.

It should be our duty and responsibility to even care about the stray animals. A separate place should be given to them. Then there will be chances for Less mishaps.

In India as we all know due to the problem of overpopulation ,we lack proper clinical facilities for humans,so we imagine,what standard would be the facilities for animals,there is a serious need to change this ,and give animals equal importance and that that life as we treat a human life.

We see the irresponsibility shown by the class of people who buy cows for selling its milk and make a living out of it,but leave their animals to wander on roads freely,also eating garbage which is very much unfortunate and also hazards for the cow as well the consumer of that milk.

For all the people who think that man is a superior being and this universe or God who created him alone to survive,you are wrong all creatures born have their own right to live,what differs them from us ,is the intellect ,but still they have their own intellect which is helping them to surviving.

Try and respect each and every living being in this world. It shall be our duty and responsibility to conserve them too.

Living with hope

Tejus R.S and Harish Murthy.

1 comment:

  1. all living beings need to be respected. more so the instinct driven ones. we have intelligence to help us overcome our problems. but that too is distorted to suit our ends. and our ends are self-centred most times.
    reaching beyond is life . living only for myself is invitation to death mental and later physical. learn something new and keep yourself recharged. meet a stranger and learn something from him. the more daring i am the more open i am to grace and blessings from yonder land.then the life's perpectives change , usually for the better.
