Sunday 22 January 2017

hypocrites- the disastrous society

“Truth without love is brutality, and love without truth is hypocrisy.”
Warren W. Wiersbe

Imagine a country where the Military, the Police, the Forest Department, the Fire Department and the entire functioning of the Government is just on the computers (Social media) without any action on the field. If there is war situation and the military just posts communications on the various social media platforms without deploying of any troops on the battle ground. The aftermath of this is obvious.

The above pointed out para is a hypothetical state which is sadly becoming real with the youth of the current generation who likes to act only on social media without any understanding of the ground realities. Using social media for the benefit of the society as a whole, works only when the person who posts is very well versed and uploads qualitative works. Sadly more than 90% of the communications posted on the social media is highly illogical and lacks quality and understanding of the subject posted. Many of them feel that there is no wrong in that and also claims that they are doing there bit for the betterment of the society. Doing something for the society needs to be defined first. It requires knowledge and it involves risk at times. Those who avert risk and knowledge are the ones who use social media to posts gobbledygook for their popularity and most importantly it influences other people with genuine concern.

Every Tom, Dick and Harry is jumping on the craze of “contributing to the society” without lack of knowledge on basic issues. Hypocrite may seem a harsh word to use but the context demands such words for the good.   

It is always advised to prioritise of what is important and urgent and what is not important and not urgent. Most of them choose issues which are not important and not urgent. Before taking up any issue one must have at least some basic insights on what is what.

If we keep on doing this muttering all the time and talking issues over coffee and tea and just forgetting all about it later it is mere discussion with no practicality.
The wearer knows where the shoe pinches. 

Thanks for your time.
Living with hope
Tejus R.S and Harish Murthy