Sunday 25 October 2015

The Curtain.

Hello readers

Hope you all are doing great.

Bad things happen. And the human brain is especially adept at making sure that we keep track of these events. This is an adaptive mechanism important for survival.

 -David Perlmutter

Every individual in this world behaves differently in their public and private life. It is said that both have to be dealt differently to avoid conflicts, true but what exactly  triggers him/her to behave in a particular manner in that particular situation? We all are like liquids which can take the shape of any container the same way we somehow  knowingly or unknowingly adapt to the situations that get to your feet.

When we reach a specific age we start  behaving  in a different manner, we start to differentiate what should be our behaviour in our public and private life.

So when we talk about this trigger,  it comes so naturally to all and which is practically involuntary , but we behave in the particular manner in every place we  visit and throughout our life and, further adding to the amazement  not only we are mentally prepared when we visit that place, but there will be a sequence of physical changes which our bodies undergo, for instance if you are writing an exam at 10 am, the adrenaline kicks in increasing the pace of the heart and lungs for a better supply of oxygen to the brain so that we get good thoughts, so your behaviour is justified both internally as well as externally.
Our brain develops this art of adjusting when we are with known and unknown people, with family away from family and at work.

Behaviour as we know is most commonly called in psychology as response to external stimulus but, can this behaviour be faked by a person? We know the answer and every time a person fakes his behaviour we either frown at him or we will talk about him later saying “hmmm what a fake” our brain is very smart in judging this fake behaviour.

Actually we must all behave in the required manner at a given situation, personality or the qualities of person like judgement and decision making must be always the same and should never follow a crowd and change accordingly.

 Innocent people can actually be embittered easily by this. There could be a breach of trust by the person who is faking out his/her behaviour. This is the negative side of the behaviour of an individual. To gain something from  others usually an individual changes his or her  normal behaviour and falsify it. For example a guy who likes a particular girl at the first sight and wants her on his bed somehow at any cost. For this, the guy changes his normal behaviour and tends to flirt with the girl. In this situation there is a desperation shown by the guy for that girl. The innocent girl could fall prey for that guy.  

This type of behaviour of falsifying is seen in many other contexts also. You can get short term success in this faked behaviour but, in the long run things would take an ugly turn. 

 The task of maintaining  a similar behaviour and attitude in private and public life  is a very challenging task because it requires a lot of character and a rock stable mind . And his or her mind should be as fresh as dew.

So, there has to be a curtain between  private and public life of an individual which has to dealt with utmost care. It is left to him how true will he be to his own conscious.

Thanks for your time.

Living with hope.

Harish Murthy and Tejus R.S

Saturday 24 October 2015

In the name of food.

Hello readers

Hope you all are doing great.

Food is our common ground, a universal experience.
 -James Beard

Our country is marching forward towards progress. Whose country is it anyway? The progress of our nation is entirely dependent on us. We have to be grateful because India is getting recognized globally. 

Our Prime Minister is bringing in some very good reforms. When something is flowing smoothly we should not tamper it, if we do so then there will be ruckus.

There are many dreadful problems which have to be addressed in our nation. Women are still not feeling safe. Heinous crimes are still being committed against women such as rape, honour killing, kidnapping etc., and many other crimes which are hampering the country’s progress. 

Is it not our duty and responsibility to try and prevent these crimes? Don’t we want our nation to be the best in the world? Then why are giving room for those people who are unnecessarily creating problems which are actually not problems or issues that needs great emphasis.

We all are aware of beef ban issue in our country. There was a huge hue and cry in the nation about this issue of meat ban. There were both for and against for this issue. We are not going into the details of this topic. 

Our argument is why this had to be made such a big matter? Was it needed? When the tone is being set for the progress we should not tamper with these types of issues which create additional problems on top of the existing ones. 

It is not fair though to ban culling of animals only during the festive seasons. If we really are true animal lovers then we have to be compassionate towards them at all times.

From time immemorial humans have consumed meat irrespective of any community, at the later stages when we considered ourselves more civilized we started following our own food habits, of vegetarianism, veganism or being a non-vegeterian, so basically this also depends on the region the person is coming from in India.

We strongly condemn the killing of people for this issue of eating beef which is all highlighted in media in the past week, if you are talking about a country which is progressing; networking and growth, this type of issues just become a barrier to the growth.

Let us follow democracy  more purely and make the flag of India flutter high and stop agitating on these types of meager issues and concentrate more on developing the nation to a much higher extent by joining hands with the Government.

Thanks for your time.

Living with hope

Harish Murthy and Tejus R S

Sunday 18 October 2015

Indian Police Force- 2

Hello readers

Hope you all are doing great.

Understand, our police officers put their lives on the line for us every single day. They've got a tough job to do to maintain public safety and hold accountable those who break the law.

-Barack Obama.

There are certain services in this world which are totally selfless and the people involved in these services think and see things differently.

We are today continuing our discussion on the Indian Police force which we had written about six months ago, so we are starting from where we stopped.

Who is going to give protection to the protectors? Recently a PSI was stabbed to death by thieves in broad day light in Bengaluru rural. It is not the first time that a police officer being killed by the criminals during an investigation in India. Is it not an issue that needs to be addressed immediately by the Government? It can be understood that such incidents can’t be stopped fully but why can’t aggressive preventive measures be taken?

Without the police it is just impossible to lead a secure life in the current day scenario. The police are just needed for everything. Right from giving security to the VVIPs to giving security to the common people, but when the protector himself is put in trouble, who will raise the voice against it.

We as citizen’s stage protests and strikes against many issues that trouble us, these issues can either be the simplest of issues or complex issues like agitation against petrol hike and so on. But we haven’t heard much about police going on strike, have we? When we goggled this, we could find a handful of incidents like the 1979 police union strike and there was another strike in 2005 similar to that.

Doctors', labour unions, transport unions which are all service based professions all get their demands when they sit for strikes, but the police who are the protectors of the citizens are the silent warriors who just pull themselves together and serve uncompromisingly.

We all want police protection for all the important events that happens in our towns, all the VIP’s need them for protection, but when some injustice happens to them there is not even a single soul who would come forward to raise his voice about the injustice, the grieving families are given a monetary compensation, it is shown as news item in the Indian media and there ends the matter, and most of the citizens are not even aware of the incident is not unfortunate?

Police are meant to protect the civil rights of citizens, but these men don’t think about their own rights, their lives and family, hats off to these great souls.

The Government of India observes 'Police martyrs day' each year, but we feel these heroes have to be remembered each day and every citizen has to be thankful to them for their invaluable service and the ideal way to thank them is to support them when it is most needed, the youth have to encouraged to become a part of this force.

Instead of political interference in police operations there has to be political support is needed.

We conclude this blog by leaving this discussion open for our readers to comment on how best can the police be empowered.

Thanks for your time

Living with hope

Tejus R.S and Harish Murthy.

Sunday 4 October 2015

The mask.

Hi readers

Hope you are  doing well.

Attitude is a little thing, that makes a big  differences. 

- Winston Churchill.

Every seven  minutes a new person is born in this world and that person will carry a story behind him or her, the story is all about people how they react to other people around him.

The main reason why people react to situations in the way they like to? and if you observe  there will be a specific framework  or pattern in which they react and that is when we all quote this word, that is attitude, and its relation with behaviour.

So attitude is a simple concept we have a specific way of thinking when we are exposed to a situation, for example if we take a case of  three people, where suddenly it starts raining when they are walking.The first person A may react with happiness and enjoy the rain and get drenched in it, B may run to shelter C  opens his umbrella.

So A is a man with a jovial attitude who enjoyed rain, at the same time B has a recessive attitude and C a protective attitude.

The main concept is that there is always an inter-relation between these attitudes and its linkage behaviour as these methods of thinking in a particular direction are linked to actions which the person carries and we all it his or her behaviour.

Each individual will be possessing different types of attitudes.  These attitudes will affect the behaviour of the individual. There are few people who will have a dire changing all throughout their life. Where, a person who was an introvert in his younger days would become an extrovert as the age progresses and vice versa. We hardly come across people who will have an unchanged attitude throughout their lives. For example conduct a small experiment of inviting people for a booze party, do this among your friends and as well as strangers and the results that you would get from this experiments would be bewildering. 

There are many people who would possess pleasing attitude. This could go to any possible extent. So, what exactly is making an individual to please someone? The real attitude emanates from a person while pleasing someone. This could have both bad and as well as good intention. This usually happens in dating and relationships where the girl is often the victim of both bad and good intentions of a boy.
If we continue with the above example the boy if he seriously has a feeling towards the girl he loves his attitude deep inside would not allow him to flirt with her, rather he would comfort her and would definitely show some signs of maturity, on the other hand a person who just has an attitude to flirt with the girl shows artificial courtesy which is not even required.

Why is there a need to wear numerous masks each day, and hide his or her inner real attitude?

Is it not a sad state where we just wear masks and forget his or her  own attitude.

Its very important to maintain a good attitude it  helps a country to progress in a positive direction , negative attitudes instigates peace destruction and harmony in the country.

All the best

Living with hope.

Tejus R.S and Harish Murthy.