Saturday 23 May 2015

Unasked Help.

Hi readers

Hope you guys are doing great.

The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing –Socrates.

Today our theme is the unasked helped we are receiving every day ,and many of us even don't know about these types of help that we get we wanted to throw some light on this topic and we were actually impressed by a documentary ,in the national geographic channel last week.

We are going to talk about the microbes and some of the microorganisms which live around us and help us live this life.

The microbes are responsible for so many essential chemical reactions the simplest example, would be the milk changing to curd with the help of a bacteria called the lactobacillus.

The documentary also spoke about the bacteria that live in our body which helps in digestion, without which your favourite food would never be digested.

Moving on some notable products that extracted by bacteria is as we already mentioned is curds, all the bakery products, and the all the alcoholic drinks and so on.

The world is so amazing, that it is designed to maintain a balanced eco- system.

The word ‘insects’, makes you feel uncomfortable, but at the same, if we say honey we all feel a yummy feeling in our minds.

For all the vegetarians out there it’s a known fact we eat fruits and vegetables which are fertilized from the flowers the plant or tree bears, there is an essential process which happens in between the conversion of a flower into a fruit it's due to the various pollination techniques evolved in nature it is possible, which are entomophily that is the pollination by insects and ornithophily which is pollination by birds , the pollination is done by birds like bats and hummingbirds which eat the fruits and drink nectar and help in pollination .birds also defecate the seeds in new growth.

We humans feel we are great ,that we have automated so many processes and machines, but just see the beauty of nature, it’s just brilliant are anyone of asking these beings to help us ,we say that’s the law of nature, but just think is it not brilliant, it is just working day in and day out like clockwork.

We always keep thinking how nature manages this balance, if we take our own body it’s just a huge machine, and a chemical factory .

But a disaster is awaiting for us in the corner, the rate in which we are decimating the forests, we feel it’s just harming the pollination ratio, just building huge places without keeping a scientific and ecological responsibility in mind is just meaningless.

Imagine a day without pollination, it will just make our life stand still and worried as we won't be able to relish all the delicious food we eat.

A recent survey has revealed that the global human population has been doubled in the last 50 years. This has also a direct impact on the consumption of food. As there is an increase in the population the demand for food has also increased. This growing demand has to be met by clearing the forest land into the agriculture land. Clearing forests without any controlling measures will have a negative impact. Homes of hundreds of insects would be destroyed. The natural cycle will be affected severely.

About 75% of all crop species require pollination by animals, mostly by bees and butterflies. Human activities are based on the false assumption that pollination is free and abundantly available ecological service. This has put pressure on the pollinators by increasing their demand and removing their habitat. 

The world is now seeing a sharp fall in the number of bee population. There are many reasons for this; one of them could be uncontrolled growth of human population. It’s becoming like for our own survival we are digging our own grave.

Intensive farming and use of pesticides will reduce the availability of nectar and pollen foods for the insects.

It is now time to take some measures to link up  the habitats which will act as a heaven for these insects. Technology alone cannot define everything; basic understanding about the ecological cycle and the natural process is very evident.

We would like to conclude by saying lets start identifying the small favours which nature is doing for us ,without expecting anything from us ,but we must definitely think of repaying nature by conserving and protecting it .

Living with hope 

Tejus R.S and Harish Murthy.

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