Hello readers
Hope you all are doing good.
Today we wanted to discuss about some risky jobs taken up by the personnel for citizens.
We are talking about the employees of the power transmission and distribution department, the public transport drivers,the fire brigade and the truck drivers,who transport essential goods and services across the world.
A couple of weeks back the city of Bengaluru was hit by heavy rain and speedy storms. Some roads of the city were completely flooded and 100s of trees were uprooted and most importantly many electric poles had been damaged severely.
This had created an absolute chaos. No power in some parts of the city. This may seem to be small when compared to the mighty hurricanes and tornadoes. But for this unplanned city it is big.
Now a days electricity has become an essential part in our day to day life. From dawn to dusk without power it is impossible to lead a normal life. You may be thinking as to what is it we are linking to?
Yes it is about the people who work in BESCOM.

When the city was hit by the heavy rain, the after effects were also very mighty. The electric poles were damaged. Power supply was cut. The local residents were in a state of shock after all these series of incidents. They immediately called the BESCOM for the support. It's hard to believe, within few hours they managed to get things sorted and back on track with the help of other departments.
Yes, it is their duty to help the people and the society. But as citizens it shall be our duty to give them the due respect that they deserve.
The people in the electricity department are no less than soldiers, as the soldiers are battle ready, these guys are always ready to go to the place and handle the situation,where it involves high voltage which is fatal,and the power grid as we all know it is a strategic mathematical formula to handle the power crisis in india.
Distribution Automation System (DAS) taken up by BESCOM is a project to automate the distribution network for monitoring, control and operation of 11 KV network in Bangalore city to enhance reliability and quality of power.
Distribution Automation System (DAS) taken up by BESCOM is a project to automate the distribution network for monitoring, control and operation of 11 KV network in Bangalore city to enhance reliability and quality of power.
Source: http://bescom.org/en/besc_initiatives/distribution-automation-system-das-2/

Next up the public transport drivers. We feel these guys are just great, try to drive your car continuously for 12 hours daily, we are sure you will start hating your car, but these guys, drive almost 24/7 more than 3 times in the same route, in the harsh and not so well developed roads of India,and also in the peak hours the bus will have more passengers than it can handle,we must me proud of our women who have are also now joining and started bus driving as a profession.
They seriously deserve a big thank you.
We get all the goods and services we want at our doorstep these days, with the E-commerce industry boom logistic management has become very dynamic, we have to appreciate the patience, of the people responsible for designing the logistic management network and the delivery staff for their time and energy in packing and delivering the goods.
It takes lot of courage to work in the fire brigade,all the people involved in this job take high risks on a daily basis, government should definitely should start giving awards, at the end of each year as a token of appreciation.
Servicing is a selfless activity we salute all the people mentioned above who help to lead our life happily during difficult times. Thank you guys for making our life easy.
No job is Superior and no job is Inferior. We have to look at these silent crusaders as an inspiration on whom people usually talk negative by keeping a couple of incidents which would have made us unhappy. We have to join our hands and have to cooperate with these silent crusaders for betterment.
Living with hope
Tejus R.S and Harish Murthy.
We wish all the mother's a Happy mothers day.
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